All About It

About Electrolysis

Electrolysis is the only FDA approved form of permanent hair removal. There are three different types of electrolysis used depending on the hair type and previous methods of temporary hair removal. 

Each treatment the hair receives will result in the regrowth being lighter, finer and less noticeable until it is completely gone. Genetics and hormones cause our hair to grow at different rates and places on our bodies. Many clients may never need to return after completion of their initial treatment plan, while others may require regular touchups. 

Preparing For Your Appointment

Since electrolysis treats each individual hair, one by one, we have to be able to see the hair and remove it with forceps in order to treat it. Waxing, tweezing, sugaring, and threading can cause your body to stimulate more hair growth. It's important to discontinue any of these temporary removal methods as to not undo the progress you've made with your electrolysis treatment. Please just trim the area with a razor or scissors in between your appointments if needed. Two to four centimeters of growth is all we need.

Staying hydrated will give you a more comfortable and effective treatment. Well-moisturized skin (inside and out) reacts the best to electrolysis. It is also recommended to avoid caffeine for a few hours before your appointment. Caffeine can make you more sensitive to the treatments.

If using any serious retinoids or exfoliants, discontinue use in the treatment area for 1 week prior to your appointment. Stay out of the sun for at least 48 hours to avoid dilation of the blood vessels and sunburns.

After Your Appointment 

Normal reactions from electrolysis are a little bit of redness and swelling at the area that was treated. This usually dissipates in a couple hours with proper care. 

We will follow up at your next appointment on how your skin healed and make adjustments as necessary. 


Q: Will it hurt?

A: Most clients describe the treatment as a stinging sensation. We will work together to find a comfortable setting that is effective. Everyone's pain tolerance is different and if it proves to just be too much, we have numbing cream available for purchase in the office.

Q: How many treatments do I need?

A: Everyone is different and grows hair for different reasons. Due to many factors like hormones, medications, genetics, general health, previous methods of hair removal, there will be a different number of treatments and sessions required. It's important to follow the treatment plan discussed in your consultation to achieve the most effective results.

Q: Is electrolysis safe?

A: During your consultation we will review any medical history to make sure we are being safe. There are a number of things that could potentially restrict us from performing electrolysis or may require permission from your medical provider. 

Definitive Contraindications

Restrictive Contraindications

*with permission from medical provider       

Information from

Q: Can you remove hair... down there?

A: Absolutely! As long as there aren't any other factors that make it unsafe for you to receive electrolysis, we can remove hair from any external body part. Following a hygienic regimen will help you reduce your risk of infection and enhance your overall health. 

Q: Do you accept insurance?

A: At this time, The Stubble Stop is not able to accept insurance for electrolysis. However, it may be possible to seek reimbursement for payment from your own insurance company. Working with your healthcare provider and getting a medical diagnosis is an integral part of that process. 

Q: Do you offer any discounts?

A: I do! There's a variety of ways to save on your electrolysis treatments at The Stubble Stop

10% off every day for military service members and their spouses

$100 savings for 5-hour pre-paid vouchers

20/20 referral program. (Ask for details)

Online review program. (Ask for details)

Other discounts occasionally offered. Watch on social media for opportunities to save!

What other questions do you have? I'm happy to answer any questions that you may have!

Meet Angie

picture of owner and family
picture of owner performing electrolysis

Angie White

picture of owner with husband

Angie and her family moved to the Fairbanks area in 2021. She saw a need in the community and set out to bring the benefits of electrolysis to you. As a military spouse and mother to three, she understands how valuable your time is and how life-changing, physically and emotionally, permanent hair removal is.

Licensed and professionally trained, you can be sure Angie will provide you with the best service the industry has to offer. She exclusively uses technology from Apilus which provides a more comfortable and faster treatment

Angie is excited to go on this adventure with you!